Childrens Helmets in Vietnam


The market for children's helmets in Vietnam is tiny in comparison to Western countries. When a large part of the population is traveling to and from school on the back of a motorcycle, it begs the question as to why it is so hard to find a good quality child's motorcycle helmet here?

What Helmets do Children wear?

Most locals equip their children with $2 "baseball cap" helmets that are going to do no good in a motorbike crash. Occasionally a child can be spotted with a "Royal" branded motorcycle helmet, this brings the quality up to around $40 but is still failing all overseas safety certifications.

Locals also are found using bicycle helmets on their children. This may be safer than using cheaply made baseball cap helmets or even badly fitted "Royal" helmets that are designed for adults. But it's still nowhere near what is possible to protect your child's head.

Decent Helmets for Children in Vietnam

We recommend a variety of brands that adhere to European and Western standards.

Chrunix stocks Fly Racing helmets aimed for children. On the product page is a sizing graph and we also have an article on how to choose the right helmet for your head size. These helmets are passing ECE and DOT safety certifications. Super lightweight to reduce strain on the child's kneck. They are the best money can buy in Vietnam and globally. It is just no one seems to know about them!

Isn't your child's head worth more than a $100? Perhaps it is time to invest in a good motorcycle helmet for your kid.

It's also the law. Read more on the current laws in Vietnam for children wearing helmets. Although largely ignored, stay on the right side of the law when riding the streets of Vietnam